This chapter describes Virtual Lan (VLAN) ELS messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
VLAN.001 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.001 TR IP arp
Long Syntax: VLAN.001 Received a token ring IP arp frame
Description: A token ring IP arp frame was received
VLAN.002 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.002 ENET IP arp DX
Long Syntax: VLAN.002 Received an ethernet IP arp frame in DIX encapsulation
Description: An ethernet IP arp frame in DIX encapsulation was received
VLAN.003 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.003 ENET IP arp SNAP
Long Syntax: VLAN.003 Received an ethernet IP arp frame in SNAP encapsulation
Description: An ethernet IP arp frame in SNAP encapsulation was received
VLAN.004 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.004 TR IPX 802.2
Long Syntax: VLAN.004 Received a token ring IPX frame in 802.2 encapsulation
Description: A token ring IPX frame in 802.2 encapsulation was received
VLAN.005 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.005 TR IPX SNAP
Long Syntax: VLAN.005 Received a token ring IPX frame in SNAP encapsulation
Description: A token ring IPX frame in SNAP encapsulation was received
VLAN.006 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.006 ENET IPX DIX
Long Syntax: VLAN.006 Received an ethernet IPX frame in DIX encapsulation
Description: An ethernet IPX frame in DIX encapsulation was received
VLAN.007 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.007 ENET IPX raw
Long Syntax: VLAN.007 Received an ethernet IPX frame in raw encapsulation
Description: An ethernet IPX frame in raw encapsulation was received
VLAN.008 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.008 ENET IPX 802.2
Long Syntax: VLAN.008 Received an ethernet IPX frame in 802.2 encapsulation
Description: An ethernet IPX frame in 802.2 encapsulation was received
VLAN.009 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.009 ENET IPX SNAP
Long Syntax: VLAN.009 Received an ethernet IPX frame in SNAP encapsulation
Description: An ethernet IPX frame in SNAP encapsulation was received
VLAN.010 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.010 TR NTBS
Long Syntax: VLAN.010 Received a token ring netbios frame
Description: A token ring netbios frame was received from
VLAN.011 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.011 ENET NTBS LLC
Long Syntax: VLAN.011 Received an ethernet netbios LLC frame
Description: An ethernet netbios LLC frame was received from
VLAN.012 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.012 ENET NTBS
Long Syntax: VLAN.012 Received an ethernet netbios frame
Description: An ethernet netbios frame was received
VLAN.013 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.013 Discard packet source MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.013 The packet from the indicated MAC sourceMac[0] was discarded. The port map is set to zero
Description: The packet was discarded. The port map is set to zero. This could be due to IP Cut-Thru being disabled or no matching IPX encapsulation found.
Action: None.
VLAN.014 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.014 Discard packet (port excluded) prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.014 Discard packet (port excluded) prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Description: A packet received on the indicated port and interface from the indicated MAC address was discarded due to port exclusion being set in a vlan. The port map is set to zero.
Action: None.
VLAN.015 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.015 Flood packet from MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.015 The packet from the indicated MAC address sourceMac[0] will be flooded.
Description: The packet from the indicated MAC address will be flooded. The port map is unchanged.
Action: None.
VLAN.016 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.016 IP prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] sourceNet -> protocolOption
Long Syntax: VLAN.016 Received an IP packet on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] source sourceNet -> destination protocolOption
Description: An IP packet was received on the indicated port and interface going from the source to the destination, from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.017 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.017 IPX prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] nt sourceNet
Long Syntax: VLAN.017 Received an IPX packet on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC address sourceMac[0] network sourceNet
Description: An IPX packet was received on the indicated port,interface, and network from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.018 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.018 NTBS prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.018 Received a NETBIOS packet on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC address sourceMac[0]
Description: A NETBIOS packet was received on the indicated port and interface from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.019 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.019 SLDW prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.019 Received a packet on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC address sourceMac[0] sldw fltr.
Description: A packet was received on the indicated port and interface from the indicated MAC addres. Sliding window filters are defined and will be checked.
Action: None.
VLAN.020 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.020 fwd PMP[0-3] vlanPmap[0] vlanPmap[1] vlanPmap[2] vlanPmap[3]
Long Syntax: VLAN.020 forwarding port map [0][1][2][3] vlanPmap[0] vlanPmap[1] vlanPmap[2] vlanPmap[3]
Description: The forwarding port map where the packet will be sent out on.
Action: None.
VLAN.021 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.021 fwd PMP[4-7] vlanPmap[0] vlanPmap[1] vlanPmap[2] vlanPmap[3]
Long Syntax: VLAN.021 forwarding port map [4][5][6][7] vlanPmap[0] vlanPmap[1] vlanPmap[2] vlanPmap[3]
Description: The forwarding port map where the packet will be sent out on.
Action: None.
VLAN.022 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.022 agt network hndl handle PMP[0-3] ageoutPmap[0] ageoutPmap[1] ageoutPmap[2] ageoutPmap[3]
Long Syntax: VLAN.022 ageout network handle handle port map[4-7] ageoutPmap[0] ageoutPmap[1] ageoutPmap[2] ageoutPmap[3]
Description: Exclusive or of the active and forwarding port maps when a timer expires on the indicated network. The handle indicates which vlan it is.
Action: None.
VLAN.023 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.023 agt network hndl handle PMP[4-7] ageoutPmap[4] ageoutPmap[5] ageoutPmap[6] ageoutPmap[7]
Long Syntax: VLAN.023 ageout network handle handle port map[4-7] ageoutPmap[4] ageoutPmap[5] ageoutPmap[6] ageoutPmap[7]
Description: Exclusive or of the active and forwarding port maps when a timer IP,IPX, or NBS (NetBios). The handle indicates which vlan it is in the respective vlan.
Action: None.
VLAN.024 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.024 sld mtch prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] strt offsetType offst offset cmpln sldwCmpLen vl framePtr framePtr+4 framePtr+8
Long Syntax: VLAN.024 Match on a sliding window filter occured on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] starting field offsetType offset offset compare length sldwCmpLen value framePtr framePtr+4 framePtr+8
Description: A match occured on a sliding window vlan with a packet received on the indicated port and interface from the MAC address. The match occurred at the indicated offset for the indicated length. Ten bytes of data are displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.025 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.025 mac match prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.025 Match on a Mac Address filter occured on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Description: A match occured on a Mac Address vlan with a packet received on the indicated port and interface from the source MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.026 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.026 port match prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.026 Match on a Port-based filter occured on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC Address sourceMac[0]
Description: A match occurred on a Port-based vlan with a packet received on the indicated port and interface from the MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.027 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.027 IGMP Report prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] Group ipGroupAddress
Long Syntax: VLAN.027 Received an IGMP Report on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] Group ipGroupAddress
Description: An IGMP Report frame was received on the indicated port and interface for the indicated IP Multicast group, from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.028 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.028 IP Mcast port port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] Group ipGroupAddress
Long Syntax: VLAN.028 Received matching IP Multicast frame on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] to Group ipGroupAddress
Description: An IP Multicast frame that matched an enabled IP Multicast VLAN was received on the indicated port and interface to the indicated IP Multicast group, from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.029 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.029 OSPF Hello prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.029 Received an OSPF Hello on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Description: An OSPF Hello frame was received on the indicated port and interface from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.030 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: VLAN.030 DVMRP Probe prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.030 Received a DVMRP Probe on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0]
Description: An DVMRP Probe frame was received on the indicated port and interface from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.
VLAN.031 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.031 Invld brid brid
Long Syntax: VLAN.031 Invalid bridge ID brid
Description: The bridge ID does not exit in the VLAN bridge table.
Action: None.
VLAN.032 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.032 BcstFwd Info brid brid bcsts_fwd brInstTable->bcasts_forward crrnt_bcsts_fwd brInstTable->current_bcasts_forward
Long Syntax: VLAN.032 Broadcast forwarding state requested bridge ID brid brInstTable->bcasts_forward brInstTable->bcasts_forward brInstTable->current_bcasts_forward brInstTable->current_bcasts_forward
Description: The current state of the broadcast forwarding information was requested for the indicated bridge ID. The state of the broadcasts forward flag is displayed, along with the last state of the current forwarding flag.
Action: None.
VLAN.033 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.033 fddl_brdg_intCnfgStReq state portState
Long Syntax: VLAN.033 fddl_bridge_interfaceConfigSetRequest state portState
Description: On a call to fddl_bridge_interfaceConfigSetRequest, the state passed in is not SRT_PBLOCKED, SRT_PLISTENING, SRT_PLEARNING or SRT_PFORWARDING.
Action: None.
VLAN.034 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.034 CfgReq brghndl brgFddlHandle ifc cfgInfo.interfaceNum cfg.state cfgInfo.interfaceState cfg.bcf cfgInfo.broadcastsForwardedByCpu
Long Syntax: VLAN.034 Sending CFG interface bridge handle brgFddlHandle number cfgInfo.interfaceNum interface state cfgInfo.interfaceState broadcasts forwarded cfgInfo.broadcastsForwardedByCpu
Description: Sending an interface configuration set request for the indicated interface. The interface fddl bridge handle, interface number, broadcast state and and broadcast forwarding flag are displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.035 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.035 Err fddl_brdg_intCnfgStReq rc rc
Long Syntax: VLAN.035 Error calling fddl_bridge_interfaceConfigSetRequest return code rc
Description: An error was returned on calling fddl_bridge_interfaceConfigSetRequest. The return code from the call is displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.036 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.036 mcastAddReq brghndl brgFddlHandle MAC &mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0] fwd msk mcAddReq.iMask[0-7] &mcAddReq.eMask[0-7] exc msk
Long Syntax: VLAN.036 Sending multicast add request bridge handle brgFddlHandle MAC address &mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0] include mask mcAddReq.iMask[0-7] &mcAddReq.eMask[0-7] exclude map
Description: Sending a fddl_bridge_multicastAddRequest. The fddl bridge handle, MAC address include and exclude mask are displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.037 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.037 Err fddl_brdg_mcastAddReq rc
Long Syntax: VLAN.037 Error calling fddl_bridge_interfaceConfigSetRequest return code rc
Description: An error was returned on calling fddl_bridge_multicastAddRequest. The return code from the call is displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.038 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.038 macAddrDelReq brghndl brgFddlHandle MAC mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.038 Sending mac address delete request bridge handle brgFddlHandle MAC address mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0]
Description: Sending a fddl_bridge_macAddreDelteRequest. The fddl bridge handle and MAC address are displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.039 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.039 Err fddl_brdg_macAddrDelReq rc
Long Syntax: VLAN.039 Error calling fddl_bridge_macAddrDeleteRequest return code rc
Description: An error was returned on calling fddl_bridge_macAddrDeleteRequest. The return code from the call is displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.040 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.040 mcastStatsGetReq brghndl brgFddlHandle MAC &mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.040 Sending multicast get statistics request bridge handle brgFddlHandle MAC address &mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0]
Description: Sending a fddl_bridge_multicastStatsGetRequest. The fddl bridge handle and MAC address are displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.041 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.041 Err fddl_brdg_mcastStatsGetReq rc
Long Syntax: VLAN.041 Error calling fddl_bridge_multicastStatsGetRequest return code rc
Description: An error was returned on calling fddl_bridge_multicastStatsGetRequest. The return code from the call is displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.042 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.042 mcastStatsGetReply MAC mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0] fwd stats.framesForwarded fltrd stats.framesFiltered
Long Syntax: VLAN.042 Received multicast statistics reply MAC address mcAddReq.lanDest.macAddr.octets[0] frames forwarded stats.framesForwarded frames filtered stats.framesFiltered
Description: Received fddl_bridge_multicastStatsGetReply. The MAC address, frames forwarded and frames filtered values are displayed.
Action: None.
VLAN.043 |
Short Syntax: VLAN.043 mcastStatsGetReply address not found MAC lanDest.macAddr.octets[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.043 Received multicast statistics reply MAC address lanDest.macAddr.octets[0] not found
Description: Received a multicast statistics reply but the MAC address was not found.
Action: None.
VLAN.044 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.044 IGMP Query in prt port_num ifc ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] Group ipGroupAddress
Long Syntax: VLAN.044 Received an IGMP Query on port port_num interface ifc_num MAC sourceMac[0] Group ipGroupAddress
Description: An IGMP Query frame was received on the indicated port and interface for the indicated IP Multicast group, from the indicated MAC address. If the group is zero, the frame is a general Query to all groups.
Action: None.
VLAN.045 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.045 Tx IGMP General Query out port port_num ifc ifc_num
Long Syntax: VLAN.045 Transmit IGMP Query out port port_num interface ifc_num
Description: An IGMP General Query frame was transmitted out the indicated port and interface.
Action: None.
VLAN.046 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.046 Tx IGMP Report prt port_num ifc ifc_num srcIp ipSourceAddress Group ipGroupAddress
Long Syntax: VLAN.046 Transmit an IGMP Report out port port_num interface ifc_num srcIp ipSourceAddress Group ipGroupAddress
Description: An IGMP Report frame was transmitted out the indicated port and interface for the indicated IP Multicast group, with the indicated source IP address.
Action: None.
VLAN.047 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: VLAN.047 BOOTP received on prt port_num ifc ifc_num from MAC sourceMac[0]
Long Syntax: VLAN.047 Received a BOOTP frame on port port_num interface ifc_num from MAC sourceMac[0]
Description: A BOOTP frame was received on the indicated port and interface from the indicated MAC address.
Action: None.